Daubigny: Drawings for the Voyage en Bateau
3 . L’emménagement au Bottin (Le mobilier du bateau) Moving into “Le Botin”–The Ship’s Furnishings Pen and ink on papier calque, 4 3 ⁄ 4 by 7 inches ( 12 by 17 . 9 cm) Redrawn in pencil on verso This episode took place in Auvers where Daubigny bought property in 1857 . An inscription on the Louvre drawing indicates that this is the last trip to Le Bottin ( sic). Instead of using a professional mover, Daubigny accepted the help of a group of enthusiastic children from the village and Karl is depicted pulling the wagon loaded with a mattress. It is possible that the woman depicted is Madame Daubigny, seen carrying two toddlers and following the wagon. The boat itself is moored on the Oise and is seen at the left side of the drawing.
Drawing, Musée du Louvre rf5313
Etching, Delteil 101
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