Daubigny: Drawings for the Voyage en Bateau
6 . Avallant (Le déjeuner dans le bateau)
Guzzling or Lunch on the Boat Pen and ink on papier calque, 5 7 ⁄ 16
by 7 5 ⁄ 16
inches ( 13 . 8 by 18 . 6 cm)
Redrawn in pencil on verso
Daubigny and his son share a casual meal on board Le Botin in the middle of the river. They sit astride a wooden bench which also serves as their table. A coffee grinder and pot, as well as food in the frying pan in the stern generate a great deal of smoke. Fish and an eel are attracted by the odor and come to the surface to investigate. Being able to cook on the boat liberated Daubigny from the constraints of mealtimes. Henriet commented that the food that was made might have left a bit to be desired, but that it was consumed with great appetite. 2
Henriet, 1862
Drawing, Musée du Louvre rf5317
Etching, Delteil 104
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