Daubigny: Drawings for the Voyage en Bateau
14 . Coucher à bord du bottin (La nuit en bateau) Bedding Down Aboard the Botin or Night on the Boat Pen and ink on papier calque, 4 13 ⁄ 16 by 5 5 ⁄ 8
inches ( 12 . 2 by 14 . 2 cm)
Redrawn in pencil on verso
Daubigny appears on the right and Karl seems to be the figure lying on his stomach on the left. The identity of the middle figure is not clear. The Louvre drawing of this subject bears the inscription “How well we are since Lavoignat has left.” Hippolyte Lavoignat ( 1813 – 1896 ) made many wood engravings after Daubigny’s illustrations.
Drawing, Musée du Louvre rf5331
Etching, Delteil 113
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