Daubigny: Drawings for the Voyage en Bateau
25 . Rochers à Villerville, 1864 The Rocks at Villerville Pencil on papier calque, 7 7 ⁄ 8 Redrawn in pencil on verso
by 11 1 ⁄ 2
inches ( 20 by 29 . 3 cm)
Daubigny painted this view several times but our drawing is closest to Rochers à Villerville (fig. 6; Hellebranth 607 ) shown in the Salon of 1864 . A print illustrating this work was reproduced in L’Autographe au Salon de 1864 (fig. 5 ) and in Moreau-Nélaton pl. 126 .
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
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