Daubigny: Drawings for the Voyage en Bateau
27 . Le tonnelier, 1872 The Barrel Maker Pencil on papier calque , 8 1 ⁄ 2 Redrawn in pencil on verso
by 11 3 ⁄ 8
inches ( 21 . 5 by 28 . 8 cm)
This drawing records a painting exhibited in the Salon of 1872 (fig. 9; Private collection, courtesy Schiller and Bodo). According to Henriet, Daubigny prepared the print for Le Monde Illustré , but it was not published. However, Moreau-Nélaton reproduces a print similar to our drawing in his book on Daubigny (fig. 10; Moreau-Nélaton, fig. 91 ).
Fig. 9
Fig. 10
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