Delacroix 2018
Landscapes and Architectural Studies
“Quel rapide instant de gaieté dans toute la nature. Ces feuilles si fraiches, ces lilas, ce soleil rajeuni. La mélancolie s’enfuit, pendant ces courts moments. Si le ceil se couvre de nuages et se rembrunit, c’est comme la bouderie charmante d’un objet aimé; on est sûr du retour.” “That fleeting moment of gaiety that runs through the whole of nature. The new leaves and the lilac, and the sun made young again. During these brief moments melancholy is put to flight. If the sky becomes cloudy and overcast, it is like the delicious pouting of one’s sweetheart; one knows that it will not last. “
Journal entry, May 7, 1824
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