I would like to thank everyone who has worked on this project.
Martin Dieterle, my dear friend and mentor in the study of the work of Corot, has given me, and all of us in the art world, the great gift of his keen eye and generous spirit. A painter himself, he brings an instinctive accuracy to judgments of authenticity. His philosophical approach avoids preconception and is always open-minded. We have all learned greatly from him. Claire Lebeau has added her precision and her eye for nuance and detail, as well as her great patience in navigating the waters of authentication. Amy Kurlander wrote her doctoral dissertation on Corot and has added her scholarship to her deep understanding of Corot’s work. I would also like to acknowledge Dr. Margret Stuffmann and Dr. Dorit Schäfer whose major exhibition on the paintings and drawings of Corot opens in Karlsruhe in October 2012 . Their ideas were inspirational in the organization of this show. Christa Savino keeps the gallery running, and to her I am endlessly grateful. Megan Wiessner, also in the gallery, complied Corot’s chronology and handled the details of the loans. Bob Lorenzson has been the gallery’s photographer and Larry Sunden has again organized the design and production of the catalogue. Paper conservation and condition reports were provided by Marjorie Shelley in particular, along with Alan Firkser and Alvarez Fine Art Services. Many of our colleagues have also been of great help and I would personally like to thank Patrick, Louis, Matthieu and Augustin de Bayser and Galerie de Bayser; Antoine Lorenceau, Galerie Brame et Lorenceau; Anisabelle and Florence Berès, Galerie Berès; Arturo and Corinne Cuéllar; Roy Davis and Cecily Langdale; Hubert Duchemin, and Robert Kashey, Shepherd Gallery. Lastly, numerous clients and friends of the gallery who have been kind enough to lend their drawings have asked to remain anonymous; my deepest gratitude to you all, without whom this exhibition would not have been possible. — J.N.
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